USPO Temple, NH 03084-4909

Hours: Closed from 11:30-1PM
Monday 7-11:30 & 1- 4:30 PM
Tuesday 7-11:30 & 1- 4:30 PM
Wednesday 7-11:30 & 1- 4:30 PM
Thursday 7-11:30 & 1- 4:30 PM
Friday 7-11:30 & 1- 4:30 PM
Saturday 7 AM - 11:30AM

Note: The Blue Drop Box in front of the Post Office is picked up around 4:30 on Saturday & around 4:15 PM on weekdays. As always..the lobby is open until 4:30 on weekdays. Lobby is always open during lunch.

The website makes no claims to the accuracy of these times. The post office is small and has limited staff and stuff happens, but these are the posted hours.

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