Meeting held on the 11th day of February 2003


Board members present: R. Frazier, B. Kantner, S. Fiske


Call to Order by R. Frazier at 7:05 p.m.


Approval of Prior Minutes: Motion made by Fiske to approve 1/28/2003 minutes as amended and the 2/8/03 Budget hearing minutes as amended, second by Frazier. 


            Voted unanimous to XX Approve   Disapprove


Regular Business


  1. Subject:  7:00 p.m.  Reviewed and signed vouchers.

Reviewed and signed the request for use of the Temple Elementary School for town meeting.

Reviewed a letter to the Wilton Board of Selectmen regarding meetings of the representatives of the Recycling Center.  The Board requested this be re-written due to new information.

Reviewed the agreement with Total Notice LLC for 2003 mortgagee searches.  Move by Frazier to accept the agreement with Total Notice LLC, second by Fiske and voted in the unanimous affirmative.

There was discussion of splitting some of the highway line items, such as paving, on the budget.  No action was taken at this time.

Kantner discussed the goals from the past year.  Kantner stated he would like to see a mail log and work log.  Review the past year and goals, and get Frazier’s suggestions for the future.  Kantner will meet with the Administrative Assistant and Office Assistant.  There was discussion of employees with 3 or more weeks of vacation scheduling at least one week at the present time.  There was discussion of a job description for the Office Assistant.  Diane Nilsson will be requested to start this description.

The Board discussed the warrant article for the proposed fire tanker.  Fiske suggested a bond/note article.  Frazier suggested two warrant articles, one for a bond/note and one for a lease purchase.  Fire Chief Wildes explained the three-year and five year lease options.  Fiske will try to get quotes from banks on a note before the bond hearing scheduled for 2/15/03.





  1. Subject:  7:45 p.m.  Jeremiah Ulch met with the Board and presented a building permit application to expand a bathroom in his residence.  The building permit application was approved.  Ulch asked for a non-public session.  8:00 p.m. - Move by Frazier to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:3II c, seconded by Fiske and voted in the unanimous affirmative.   Discussion of Mr. Ulch’s financial situation and his request regarding property taxes.  Frazier will write a letter to Mr. Ulch’s bank regarding taxes.  8:05 p.m.  Move by Frazier to leave non-public session, seconded by Fiske and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


  1. Subject:  8:15 p.m. Wayne Edwards came in to discuss the plowing out of mailboxes.  Frazier informed the Board that he had spoken to the gentlemen Mrs. Edwards had referred to at the January 28, 2003 meeting and then had spoken to Road Agent, Tim Fiske.  Mr. Frazier had been informed by Brian Kullgren that Mr. Kullgren had been plowing out mailboxes.  Mr. Frazier offered an apology to Mrs. Edwards.  Move by Fiske to add article #14 to the driveway plowing guidelines that “the town will not be responsible for plowing out mailboxes”, seconded by Frazier and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


  1. Subject:  8:20 p.m.  Discussion of the warrant article for the purchase of the Skladany land.  The amount was lowered to $200,000.00.  Discussion of the Conservation Commission possibly contributing to the purchase of the Skladany land and the procedures that the Conservation Commission will need to follow to permit contributing to the purchase.  There was discussion of deleting article #5, which allowed for the appropriation of $5,000.00 for an appraisal and testing of the Skladany land.  Frazier informed the Board that he had not decided whether to support the purchase of the land or the article for an appraisal.                                                                          Fiske reviewed information for the newsletter.                                      Move by Fiske that the Board of Selectmen meet on Tuesday, March 18, 2003, seconded by Frazier and voted in the unanimous affirmative.            Discussion of the Conval Selectmen’s Advisory Committee.  Move by Fiske to appoint Kantner to the Conval Selectmen’s Advisory Committee, seconded by Frazier and voted in the unanimous affirmative.              Fiske updated the Board on the possibility of the town using a portion of Temple Mountain for sledding.  Fiske spoke to Peter Martin.  Mr. Martin’s attorney will compose a lease agreement for review regarding the sledding on the mountain.


  1. Subject:  9:40 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Debra Harling, Administrative Assistant.