Meeting held on the 17th day of December 2002


Board members present: R. Frazier, B. Kantner, S. Fiske


Call to Order by R. Frazier at 7:10 p.m.


Approval of Prior Minutes: Motion made by Kantner to approve 12/10/2002 minutes as amended, second by Fiske. 


            Voted unanimous to XX Approve            Disapprove


Regular Business


  1. Subject:  7:00 p.m.  Reviewed and signed vouchers.

Reviewed Fire Department budget for 2003.  The recommended budget will remain at the 2002 level of $28,050.00.

There was a preliminary review of the 2003 Highway Department budget.  Tim Fiske, Road Agent, explained that there will probably be a zero increase or the 2003 budget will be lower than the 2002 budget.

Reviewed and signed the building permit application for Daniel & Heather Pratt, M 05 L 009-1 – single family residence.

There was discussion of the tax rate and Kantner presented a draft letter of explanation to be put into the newsletter.  Kantner asked for input from the other Board members.  Kantner will finalize the letter of explanation and it will be put into the January/February edition of the newsletter.

There was discussion of the policy for appointing Conservation Commission members.  No action was taken at this time.

Fiske informed the Board that she has spoken to the Ladies Aid about preparing and serving meals at elections.  The Ladies Aid will discuss this at a meeting and get back to the Board of Selectmen.

There was discussion about mailing an issue of the newsletter.  It was decided that the March/April issue should be mailed.

The Administrative Assistant requested 5 ½ days vacation that need to be used by the end of 2002.  The days taken will be ½ day 12/20/02, ½ day 12/23/02, full days 12/24, 12/26, 12/27; ½ day 12/30 and a full day 12/31/02.










2.      Subject:  8:00 p.m. Wil Wildes, Fire Chief, came in to discuss a 2003 warrant article for the purchase of a new tanker truck.  Wildes presented two options.  The first option was to fully pay for the purchase in 2003 and the second option was for a lease/purchase.  There was discussion of the costs related to lease/purchase vs. purchase.  Frazier suggested that Wildes get information on the cost of a lease/purchase agreement.


3.      Subject:  9:55 p.m. There was discussion of the ESE water test report on the Brown Rd./Fish Rd. dumpsite.  It was agreed not to send this report to the Dept. of Environmental Services at this time.  There was some discussion about budgeting for water tests on an annual basis.  No further action was taken at this time.


10:05 p.m. Meeting adjourned.                                                                 




Respectfully submitted by Debra Harling, Administrative Assistant.