Meeting held on the 22nd day of October 2002


Board members present: R. Frazier, B. Kantner, S. Fiske


Call to Order by R. Frazier at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Prior Minutes: Motion made by Frazier to approve 10/8/2002 minutes as amended, second by Kantner. 


            Voted unanimous to XX Approve   Disapprove


Regular Business


1.      Subject:  7:00 p.m.  Reviewed and signed vouchers.

Reviewed and signed a letter to Ruth Quinn regarding the request for Trust agreement in conjunction with the Veteran’s credit.

      Discussion of the walkway into the Municipal Building occurred.  Move by

      Frazier to install “railroad ties” where necessary along the walkway into the

      Municipal Building, second Kantner and voted in the unanimous affirmative.

      Reviewed Veteran’s Tax Credit applications.  Move by Frazier to approve the

      Veteran’s Credit for Gail Gladu as a surviving spouse; Annette Repak as

      Trustee of the Annette Repak Revocable Trust, as a spouse of a Veteran;

      Eugene Martin as Trustee of the Eugene Martin Revocable Trust, as a

      Veteran, second by Fiske and voted in the unanimous affirmative.

      Reviewed and signed building permit applications for the following:  John

      Albert, M 05 L 053-G – for a storage barn; Move by Frazier to approve the

      Albert permit and apply the fee from the original building permit application

      for a garage to this permit, second by Fiske and voted in the unanimous

      affirmative.  Jeremiah Ulch, M 08 L 036 – addition of a stall and turnout area

      to his existing barn.  Roger Nutting, M 05 L 109 had submitted a building

      permit application for an addition to an existing shed.  After review of the

      application it was determined that no building permit is needed for this work.

      There was discussion about the tape recording of meetings and the cost of

      copies of tapes, if requested.  Move by Frazier to enact the policy that if any

      meeting is tape recorded by the official Minute Taker of any Board for the   

      Town of Temple, the tape will be retained until the minutes of that meeting

      are final.  A request for a copy of tapes from a meeting must be made before

      the minutes are finalized.  A charge of $35.00 per tape must be paid in

      advance before any tapes are copied. 

      Reviewed letter from Attorney Drescher which informed the Board that

      the Temple Mountain Ski Area balance should now be abated as the

      Bankruptcy Court has determined no more money will be available.





2.    Subject:  7:50 p.m. Mason Klinck was scheduled for further discussion of his

      2001 property tax abatement request.  S. Fiske informed the Board that she

      spoke to Klinck and reviewed his appraisal done by Mr. Chapman.  Fiske

      did not think the properties used by Mr. Chapman were comparable to Mr.

      Klinck’s property.  After some discussion Fiske stated that she did not think

      the Board should give Mr. Klinck an abatement at this time, Frazier concurred

      that no abatement should be given.


3.      Subject:  8:00 p.m. Chris Owen, Candidate for State Representative. Came in to introduce himself.  Mr. Owen explained his views and answered questions pertaining to his views.


4.      Subject:  8:15 p.m. Roger Nutting and Charlene Eddy came in representing the Building Committee.  Nutting explained that Wil Wildes had a presentation put together, but was not available for this meeting.  There was discussion of guidelines for the Committee and the urgency of a new building.  Both Frazier and Kantner had the opinion that based on the information to date; no plan would be available for the 2003 Town Meeting.


5.      Subject:  8:30 p.m. Deneice Johnson representing the Recreation Commission came in to update the Board.  Johnson informed the Board that the playground at the ball field is complete.  Project Playground has started fundraising efforts to improve the playground at the elementary school.  A three year, $10,000 effort is planned.  A second plan for the elementary school is a gazebo, which would cost approximately $6,000.  The gazebo could be used for an “outside classroom” as well as for town functions.  The question was raised as to who would own this gazebo.  Johnson explained that this idea has not been discussed in depth yet.  Johnson then spoke about the Christmas tree lighting ceremony.  There has been discussion about the tree needing to be pruned.  Johnson informed the Board that the Village Green Committee has money available to prune the tree, but would like Board of Selectmen permission before any of this type of work is done.  Move by Fiske to authorize the Village Green Committee to have the Christmas tree pruned, second by Frazier and voted in the unanimous affirmative.  There was discussion of the adjacent tree being pruned or cut down.  The Board will have Tim Fiske, Road Agent, look at this second tree and make a recommendation for safety reasons.


6.      Subject:  8:45 p.m. Other Business:  Will Whalen stopped in to offer his services in helping to monitor when the wells at the dump are being tested.  An intent to cut for Carl and Coral Olson was signed.







  1. Subject: (cont.) There was discussion about building permit applications, certificates of occupancy and other items being signed outside of Board meetings.  All Board members agreed that the policy to be enforced, which had been voted on by a previous Board, will be that no signatures will be given outside of a Board of Selectmen’s meeting, unless there has been a discussion and agreement to sign an item outside of a meeting.

At the request of Tim Fiske, Road Agent, there was discussion of the Bradler’s putting rocks into the right-of-way on East Road.  Frazier will write a letter to the Bradlers regarding Mr. Fiske’s complaint.

There was discussion of the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC).  Fiske explained that the IBC covers and includes the IRC.  The Board agreed that they would recommend adoption of the IBC to the Planning Board.


7.      Subject:  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.



Respectfully submitted by Debra Harling, Administrative Assistant.