DECEMBER 17, 2024


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    Board members present: B. Kullgren, M. Connolly, R. Martin, R. Whitcomb, A. Pickman, T. Petro


    Call to Order by B. Kullgren at 7:35 p.m.        


    1. Review of 12/3/03 minutes.  Move by Whitcomb to approve the 12/3/03 minutes as written, second by Connolly and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


    1. Continued public hearing for the Patenaude 4-lot subdivision of M 08 L 039 located on General Miller Highway.  Nate Chamberlin of Meridian Land Services presented comments on the HTA report and a re-analysis of the Storm Water Management Report.  Chamberlin informed the Board that the Dredge and Fill permit has been approved by the State of NH-DES but needs the appropriate signatures.  The State subdivision approval should be issued with the Dredge and Fill permit.  The Board discussed the suitability of this lot for a four-lot subdivision.  Items still needed by the Board: Dredge and Fill permit and State Subdivision approval.  The hearing was continued to January 7, 2024, pending receipt of the approvals from the State.


    1. Karl Johnson, Realtor, appeared before the Board representing Tom Barker of Authentic Construction.  Mr. Barker is interested in purchasing a 10-acre parcel on Peterborough Road, M 02 L 073.  Mr. Barker has researched the status of “Grover Road’ and had presented this information to the Board of Selectmen.  Barker and Johnson wished the Planning Board to have the same information.  Johnson informed the Board that Mr. Barker will be contacting Dorothea Guy and Doug Guy to discuss an easement to maintain any right-of-way that the Guy’s may have across “Grover Road”.  Johnson also informed the board that Barker will be looking at engineering issues regarding a possible subdivision. 


    1. Move by Pickman to adjourn, second by Martin.  Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.


    Minutes submitted by Debra Harling.