DECEMBER 3, 2024


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    Board members present: B. Kullgren, R. Barnhisel, R. Whitcomb, A. Pickman, T. Petro


    Call to Order by B. Kullgren at 7:40 p.m.        


    1. Review of 11/19/03 minutes.  Move by Petro to approve the 11/19/03 minutes as amended, second by Pickman and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


    1. Continued public hearing for the Patenaude 4-lot subdivision of M 08 L 039 located on General Miller Highway.  Nate Chamberlin of Meridian informed the Board that the State subdivision approval has been obtained – the permit has not been issued as of 12/3/03.  The Dredge & Fill permit has not been received as of 12/3/03.  The Board reviewed the revised plat.  The culvert sizes have been changed; the road name has been changed to Josiah Lane; the guardrail has been changed per the request of the Town of Temple Road Agent; the berm was lowered to 1’ below road grade and stone was indicated; trees along the lot line were shown on the plan.  There were no stump berms shown on the revised plat.  A notation was made on the plat that stumps will be ground and composted or hauled off site and disposed of properly.  The Board discussed this issue and it was agreed that a decision to bury stumps on site would constitute a change in this plan and a new plan would need to be brought before the Board showing the area where the stumps would be buried.  Discussion of the Hoyle, Tanner review of the Storm Water Management Report.  The majority of the Board felt satisfied that there did not need to be and changes.  Barnhisel thought that the Storm Water Management Report should be re-analyzed.  The Board reviewed the changes suggested by Hoyle, Tanner with Chamberlin.  Chamberlin agreed to re-analyze for the effect on the upper 15” culvert.  Discussion of the suitability of this property for subdivision.  The following are still needed: Chamberlin to re-analyze numbers and address HTA comments; State subdivision approval number; Dredge and Fill permit.  Petro suggested that the Chairman try to have the entire Board present when this plan is voted on.  The hearing was continued to 12/17/03.


    1. An application and plan for a 4-lot subdivision of M 02 L 072 located on Peterborough Road for Brooke Leasing & Development was submitted to the Board by Nate Chamberlin of Meridian Land Services.  The Board reviewed the plat submitted.  Tim Fiske, Road Agent, was asked if there were any issues with the road.  Fiske informed the Board that the Highway Department had just put more underground drainage under the road.  Discussion about easements for the cleaning of culverts.  Fiske and Chamberlin will look at the culverts to determine how many feet will be needed for easements.  The Board reviewed the application checklist.  The following will be needed on the plat: Surveyors seal; Wetlands & Soil Scientists seal and the easement for culverts.  Move by Pickman to accept the application for this subdivision, second by Petro and voted in the affirmative.  Hearing date set for 1/7/2004.  Meridian will send a check for the abutter’s notices and the application fee. 


    1. Tim Fiske asked the Board to keep in mind that increased development from General Miller Hwy., Colburn Road and Memorial Drive will start to affect the 42” culvert that was installed on Memorial Drive two years ago.





    DECEMBER 3, 2024







    1. Discussion of “accessory apartments” on 3 to 5 acre lots and the size restriction of apartments.  No action taken regarding this issue.


    1. Discussion of the maps to be put into the Master Plan.  Move by Kullgren to accept the Master Plan as written with changes to the maps as voted at the 11/19/2003 meeting, second by Pickman and voted 4 in the affirmative-Barnhisel in the negative.  Barnhisel stated that her concerns were as follows:  insufficient public input; “smoke and mirrors” writing and insufficient Planning Board input.  Petro felt that Town Residents had every opportunity to participate as much as they wanted to.  The Board reviewed the maps to determine which should be used for the four large maps.  Kullgren will ask SWRPC to print five maps: Development Constraints; Transportation & Infrastructure; Zoning & Community Facilities; Aquifer & Hydric Soils and Protected Lands.  Move by Kullgren to accept these five maps, second by Pickman and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


    1. Move by Petro to adjourn, second by Barnhisel.  Meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.


    Minutes submitted by Debra Harling.