OCTOBER 1, 2024


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    Board members present: R. Martin, R. Barnhisel, R. Whitcomb, A. Pickman, T. Petro


    Call to Order by R. Martin at 7:40 p.m.        


    1. Review of 9/17/03 minutes.  Move by Petro to accept the 9/17/03 minutes as amended, second by Whitcomb and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


    1. Tom Barker and Carl Johnson met with the Board to discuss M 02 L 073 on (Old) Peterborough Rd.  Barker presented a conceptual proposal for a 3-lot subdivision of the 10 acre property.  There was discussion of “Old Grover Rd.”, which runs through the property.  The Board and Barker discussed the status of this road, whether it is a Class VI road or a deeded “right-of-way”.  Barker and Johnson will research the status and return to the Board when they have obtained more information.


    1. Review of mail – A notice from Southwest Region Planning Commission regarding the quarterly dinner to be held on October 21, 2024.  Notice from the State of NH-DOT regarding a driveway permit application for M 08 L 039 on General Miller Hwy.


    1. D. Harling presented a preliminary plan for a lot line adjustment between M 07 Lots 31 – 8.4 acres & 32 – 1.3 acres.  Preliminary plat shows a lot line adjustment to leave 5 acres with M 07 L 031 and increase the acreage of M 07 L 032 to 4.7 acres.  The Board reviewed the preliminary plat and determined that a test pit for the 5 acres and wetlands delineation will need to be put on the plat.  Hearing date to accept the application and act upon the lot line adjustment was set for 11/5/2003 at 7:30 p.m.


    1. D. Harling presented a preliminary plan for a minor subdivision on M 05 L 115 – 27.7 acres to subdivide a 5-acre parcel from this lot.  The Board reviewed the plat and determined that a test pit on the new lot and on the existing lot as well a wetlands delineation will need to be put on the plat.  Hearing date to accept the application and act upon the minor subdivision was set for 11/5/2003 at 8:00 p.m.


    1. Discussion of the Master Plan and the public hearing set for 10/15/2003.  The Board will request 4 copies of the master plan from SWRPC.


    1. Move by Martin to adjourn, second by Pickman.  Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.





    Minutes submitted by Debra Harling.