Board members present: Bruce Kullgren Sr., Randy Martin, Ted Petro, Alan Pickman, Rae Barnhisel, Marty Connolly, Ex Officio Sherry Fiske


Call to order by B. Kullgren at 7:45 p.m. 


1.             Motion by A. Pickman, seconded by R. Barnhisel to accept minutes of 4/17/02 changing  page 2, item 6, line 2 to read “B. Kullgren” not “R. Kullgren”.  Voted unanimous affirmative. 


2.             7:50 p.m. Mr. John Doyle came in requesting a lot line adjustment.  He presented a small sketch showing the proposed adjustment.  B. Kullgren explained the Planning Board would like language to illustrate just the lot line adjustment and not include future easement information.  A. Pickman recommended the final map be as simple as possible and that the surveyor may wish to research the deed to clarify the Shubert’s boundaries.  B. Kullgren explained a perimeter survey with just the lot line showing.  B. Kullgren stated no hearing is required, but abutters notice is required.  The Planning Board reviewed who the abutters are that require notification.  Mr. Doyle will bring labels to the Selectmen’s office.  Discussion followed using the subdivision application dated 4/02 as a guide on what was required to show on the final plat (see attached).  R. Barnhisel clarified some items which need to be on the subdivision application when it is submitted according to RSA 676:4.  B. Kullgren motioned to waive the requirement for lot line setbacks, seconded by S. Fiske.  Voted 6 yes, A. Pickman voted no.  Mr. Doyle said he would need to speak with surveyor Bill Bean before he would know when the plat can be complete.  B. Kullgren recommended Mr. Doyle come back to the 5/15/02 Planning Board meeting with abutters labels and the drawing (2 recordable mylars, 4 paper copies) with a scale no greater than 1” = 100 ft.  Planning Board could then schedule June 5 to act on the application.  R. Barnhisel will email Mr. Doyle page 1 of a form for lot line adjustment.


3.             8:55 p.m. Mr. Joe Broderick came in to discuss his application for lot line adjustment to expand his lot by approximately 1-2 acres.  The Planning Board reviewed the abutters and explained that they can not create a non-conforming lot.  Options were discussed for Mr. Broderick and he will speak to Ms. Ann Sargent to decide what option to take.


4.             9:20 p.m. Planning Board reviewed the mail and discussed whether to create a tower ordinance.  A. Pickman and R. Barnhisel began work on requirements to create forms for site plan review and lot line adjustments.


5.             R. Martin motioned, seconded by A. Pickman to adjourn meeting, adjourned 9:40 p.m.


                Minutes submitted by Sherry Fiske