Master Plan Meeting


Board members present: Bruce Kullgren, Alan Pickman, Rae Barnhisel, Marty Connolly

Guest: Carol Olgilvie


7:15 p.m.  Meeting called to order by B. Kullgren.


1.             This meeting was to cover two chapters of the proposed new Master Plan. The chapters were Natural Resources and Historical Resources.  R. Barnhisel presented the Historical Resources section.  She thanked all the people who contributed to the section including Peggy Cournoyer, Dave and Ann Repak, Ann Lunt, Priscilla Weston, Vince Mamone, Mr. & Mrs. Shubert, Donna and Paul Quinn, and others.  She explained how the data was an expanded list compared to the previous master plan and did a general overview of it.  A. Pickman stated industrial development began in early 1800’s not 1900’s, a correction for page 1.  He also believed that on page 2 under “public buildings” the Chapel was originally older than 1952.  On page 6, he stated the animal pound was originally located down the road a bit.  He felt all the material presented would be very helpful to have presented on a map, and thought it would help with future planning.

2.             Rebecca Salisbury presented pictures she and Jenny Duchesneau had taken for possible use in the Master Plan. She said the weather wasn’t cooperating and finding help was not easy.  She also felt she was limited on getting pictures of public property vs. private property.  A. Pickman stated that 3.5” x 5” was a good size because the pictures could be scanned into a computer. C. Ogilvie said the Board would need the pictures labeled for identification.  R. Barnhisel asked if the pictures could be labeled as to who took them.  Ms. Salisbury said yes.  S. Fiske put initials on the back of each photo.

3.             The Natural Resources Chapter was presented next. Contributors were Dave Foley, Bruce Kantner, Jim Koster, Randy Martin, Coral Olson, Susan Pierce, and Gerald Rosenburg.  Dave Foley introduced Coral Olson who described the basic material collected.  She said the list of birds was from the Audubon Society.  Some of the recreational land listed is private, but most was public.  She gave a brief description of “current use”.  The committee hopes to expand the agriculture section in the future.  Bruce Kantner felt the Master Plan needed a land use section.  He asked Carol Olgilvie if Southwest Regional Planning had developed anything yet.  She said no, but they are still working on it.  Mr. Kantner explained that the Souhegan Water Shed was 171 square miles and that Temple is located 90% within it.  He also explained that Temple has 7 animals and 21 plants listed as endangered.  The group hoped to add a plant list to this chapter in the future.  R. Barnhisel said she would help defining what plants were native and what was introduced. She also commented some mammals and amphibians were introduced as well.  A. Pickman said some mammals had migrated to the area.

                Carol Ogilvie explained that she had incorporated previous changes into the draft Master Plan and will add tonight’s comments.  The goals and objectives is the next section to work on.  Early summer should be a timeline for possible completion.  The Planning Board needs to disseminate the information to the public so the next step can be started.  B. Kullgren thanked everyone for their participation.  Bruce Kantner reiterated Carol’s comments, the basic studies is completed and future visions is the next phase.


8:00 p.m. Adjourned.


Minutes submitted by Sherry Fiske.

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