OCTOBER 2, 2002





Board members present: Bruce Kullgren Sr., Martin Connolly, Allan Pickman, Ted Petro, Rae Barnhisel, Ex-Officio Sherry Fiske


Call to Order by B. Kullgren at 7:35 p.m.        


1.        Review of the 9/18/2002 minutes.  Move by Pickman to accept the minutes as amended, second by Petro and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


2.        Mary & Edward Schubert came in regarding the lot line adjustment between their property M 07 L 038 and the Doyle property, M 07 L 039.  The plat showing the Schubert’s property does not agree with their deed description.  The Schubert’s explained that the deed description uses the foundation of the house as a basis and gives definite dimensions.  Discussion took place regarding whether the deed description or the plat took precedence.  Mrs. Schubert passed out a drawing she had made of her property.  Kullgren suggested that the Schuberts contact Earl Sanford, who did the survey for the lot line adjustment and conservation easement on the Doyle property.  Mr. Kullgren then stated that he would put an initial call in to Mr. Sanford to determine where the information on the plat approved by the Planning Board had been obtained.


3.        The Board had a general discussion of the Population & Housing portion of the Master Plan.  There was then a review of this section up to page 9.  The Population & Housing section review will be continued at the October 16, 2002 meeting and a review of the Economic Environment section will be started.  Debra Harling, Administrative Assistant informed the Board that the Traffic & Transportation section had been sent to SWRPC and Eric Twarog has agreed to the section updates as requested by the Planning Board.


4.       Move by Pickman to adjourn, second by Fiske.  Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Debra Harling.