SEPTEMBER 18, 2024


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    Board members present: Bruce Kullgren Sr., Randy Martin, Allan Pickman, Ted Petro, Rae Barnhisel, Ex-Officio Sherry Fiske


    Call to Order by B. Kullgren at 7:40 p.m.        


    1.        Review of the 9/4/2002 minutes.  Move by T. Petro to accept the minutes as amended, second by Pickman and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


    2.        Hagen Wegmueller came in for the final signatures on the minor subdivision on M 05 L 009.  The subdivision approval from the State of NH had been received.  Paper copies have been received.  All conditions have been satisfied.  Kullgren, as chairman and Pickman, as Clerk signed the subdivision maps.


    3.        Kullgren handed out copies of the draft Master Plan and a booklet entitled “Guiding Change” from the Southwest Regional Planning Commission.  The Board started review of the Master Plan.  There was discussion of how this review process should occur.  The Board agreed that each section will be reviewed, returned to SWRPC for corrections and then the Board will review the corrections for each section.  The amended sections will then be passed on to the different committees.  The Traffic and Transportation section was reviewed.  The changes needed were discussed with Tim Fiske.  Debra Harling, Administrative Assistant will forward the changes to SWPRC.  Petro recommended that Traffic and Transportation changes go to the Board and Tim Fiske for review and then be finalized.  There was some discussion about the Population and Housing section.  The Board agreed to discuss this section further at the 10/4/2002 meeting.  The Board members will review the Construction Materials section for typographical errors, the data appears to be correct.  The only change recommended at this meeting was to switch the names that appear on the table on page 6 of the Construction Materials section.


    4.       A letter from Linda Bollinger was reviewed.  This letter requested any changes that may be needed for the town information booklet.  The Board asked the Chairman to update this information.


    5.       Move by Martin to adjourn, second by Pickman.  Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.


    Minutes submitted by Debra Harling.